The LEGO 60120 set, also known as the “Volcano Starter Set,” is part of the popular LEGO City theme and was released in 2016. This engaging set is designed to spark imaginative play around the theme of volcanic exploration and adventure. It features 83 pieces that come together to create a small volcano with a function to “erupt,” a sturdy ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) equipped with a walkie-talkie and a chainsaw accessory, and several other tools for volcanic exploration, including a pickaxe and a boulder that opens to reveal a crystal element.
The set includes four minifigures: a volcano adventurer, a volcano worker, a volcano scientist, and a volcano explorer, each with their unique accessories to aid in their exploratory missions. The mix of characters, vehicle, and interactive volcano model allows for a wide range of play scenarios, encouraging children to engage in stories of discovery, teamwork, and science exploration.
Designed for children aged 5 to 12 years, the LEGO 60120 Volcano Starter Set serves as an excellent introduction to the larger LEGO City Volcano Exploration sub-theme, inspiring young minds to build and explore their own adventures while also introducing them to exciting scientific concepts.