The LEGO 41372 set, known as “Stephanies Gymnastics Show,” belongs to the LEGO Friends series, a lineup that focuses on five friends and their adventures in the fictional town of Heartlake City. Released in 2019, this set encourages players to dive into the competitive world of gymnastics alongside Stephanie, one of the core characters in the LEGO Friends universe.
This colorful and engaging set consists of 241 pieces and is designed for children aged 6 and up. It features a main build that includes a gymnastics stage with a rotating platform and a rhythmic ribbon element, providing a dynamic setting for gymnastics routines. The set also comes with a separate trampoline with a jump function, adding another layer of interactive play.
Included in the set are two mini-doll figures: Stephanie, dressed in her gymnastics attire, ready for her performance, and Mia, her friend and competitor, showcasing the friendly competitive spirit central to the LEGO Friends theme. Accessory elements such as a trophy, baton, and a gymnastics ribbon further enrich the play experience, allowing children to enact gymnastic competitions and award ceremonies.
“Stephanies Gymnastics Show” not only aims to inspire creative play but also encourages children to explore themes of friendship, competition, and achieving goals through practice and dedication. Its vibrant design and engaging features make it a delightful addition to any LEGO Friends collection.