The LEGO 9747 set, also known as the “Robotics Invention System 1.5,” is part of the LEGO Mindstorms series, introduced in the late 1990s. This innovative set was designed to introduce builders to the world of robotics and programming in an accessible and engaging way. It comprises a variety of LEGO pieces, along with motors, sensors, and a programmable RCX brick that serves as the brain of the creations.
Builders can construct and program their robots to perform various tasks, making this set hugely popular among educators, hobbyists, and young LEGO fans interested in technology and engineering. The 9747 set includes instructions for several robots, providing a solid foundation in robotics principles, while also encouraging creativity and problem-solving as users design their own robotic inventions. Due to its educational value and fun factor, the Robotics Invention System 1.5 has remained a memorable and influential entry in the LEGO Mindstorms lineup.