The LEGO 9535 set, also known as “Propeller Buggy,” is part of the LEGO System line and falls within the Technic theme. Released in 1999, this set is designed to provide an engaging and educational building experience, typical of LEGO Technic sets, focusing on the mechanics and engineering behind moving parts. The Propeller Buggy is notable for its compact design featuring a prominent rotating propeller at the back when the vehicle is moved forward.
This set comprises 37 pieces, making it a relatively small but intriguing project, especially for those beginning to explore the Technic series. It is specifically crafted to introduce builders to basic mechanical concepts such as gear mechanisms and rotational motion. Despite its simplicity, the Propeller Buggy effectively demonstrates how power can be translated into movement, making it a favorite among young enthusiasts and collectors alike who appreciate the foundational principles of mechanical engineering embodied in a tangible, playful form.