The LEGO 75972 set is part of the Overwatch theme, specifically titled “Dorado Showdown.” This exciting set was inspired by the popular video game Overwatch, capturing the vibrant essence of the Dorado map—a colorful, celebratory town known for its festivities, narrow streets, and iconic mission within the game. Released in January 2019, this set contains 419 pieces, including three minifigures: Soldier: 76, Reaper, and McCree, each with their unique weapons to allow for reenactment of Overwatch gameplay or creation of new adventures.
Dorado Showdown centers around a buildable Dorado-style building and a payload truck, somewhat mimicking the in-game objective of escorting the payload. The architecture features rich details reflective of the games map, including a lantern above the doorway, a hidden disc shooter to add an interactive play element, and a build that encourages creative play scenarios related to the Overwatch universe.
This set was designed not just for Overwatch fans but also for LEGO enthusiasts interested in detailed, game-inspired builds. It provides a creative and immersive building experience, bringing a piece of the digital Overwatch universe into the physical world. Its colorful and vibrant pieces add to the display appeal, making it a great addition to any LEGO or Overwatch collection.