The LEGO 71367 set, also known as Marios House & Yoshi Expansion Set, is part of the LEGO Super Mario series, which was first launched in 2020. This engaging set allows players to expand their LEGO Super Mario universe with a charming recreation of Marios house alongside a friendly Yoshi figure.
Featuring 205 pieces, the set is designed for kids aged 6 and up but also appeals to adult fans of LEGO and Nintendo. Marios House is a colorful build that includes a small house with a Super Star Block under the opening roof, a hammock to place LEGO Mario (from the starter course set, sold separately), and multiple interactive elements when combined with the LEGO Mario figure.
The inclusion of Yoshi and a Goomba figure adds to the interactive play possibilities, allowing players to earn coins by interacting with them through the LEGO Mario figure. This set is not just a standalone build but is specifically designed to be combined with the LEGO Super Mario Starter Course, enhancing the overall play experience with new scenarios and challenges.
The LEGO 71367 set is perfect for fans of Super Mario, offering a creative and interactive building experience that brings one of the most iconic video game characters and his world into the realm of LEGO.