The LEGO 71019 set is part of the LEGO Minifigures series, specifically created as a tie-in for “The LEGO Ninjago Movie,” which was released in 2017. This series is dedicated to capturing the unique and eccentric characters that inhabit the Ninjago universe, bringing them to life in LEGO form. The set comprises 20 limited edition minifigures, each with its distinct accessories and designs, including main characters from the movie such as Lloyd, Master Wu, Garmadon, and many other ninjas and villain characters.
Each minifigure is sold in a blind bag, making the process of collecting an exciting surprise, as buyers do not know which character they will receive. These minifigures are highly sought after by both fans of the Ninjago series and LEGO collectors, as they include intricate detailing, unique accessories, and occasionally feature characters or costume designs not available in other sets. Collecting all 20 provides a comprehensive look at the diverse and imaginative world of LEGO Ninjago, offering endless play possibilities for fans of all ages.