The LEGO 70911 set, also known as “The Penguin Arctic Roller,” is a part of the LEGO Batman Movie series released in 2017. This set is designed to replicate The Penguins luxurious and stylish vehicle from the movie. The Arctic Roller is characterized by its vintage car design, complete with a sleek black and white color scheme that evokes early 20th-century luxury automobiles, but with a whimsical twist that fits perfectly into the eccentric world of LEGO Batman.
This set includes 305 pieces and features several exciting elements and functionalities. The car itself is equipped with a detailed engine, a removable roof for ease of access to the cars detailed interior, and a separate trunk compartment that opens to reveal a hidden surprise – a mini escape pod for The Penguin. It also comes with two minifigures: Batman, with his iconic batsuit and cape, and The Penguin, complete with his signature monocle, top hat, and umbrella.
Tailored for fans of the LEGO Batman Movie and collectors alike, the 70911 Arctic Roller combines the charm of classic car design with the whimsical world of Gotham City, making it a unique addition to any LEGO collection. Its engaging build and play features, coupled with the beautifully detailed design, make it a standout model that captures the imagination of both young builders and adult enthusiasts.