LEGO The LEGO Batman Movie: The Joker Notorious Lowrider (2017)

The LEGO 70906 set, known as “The Joker Notorious Lowrider,” is part of the LEGO Batman Movie series released in 2017. This vibrant and intricate set allows fans to recreate scenes from the movie or embark on new adventures in Gotham City. The set features a meticulously detailed lowrider vehicle with bouncing suspension, opening trunk, hidden double spring-loaded shooters, and an array of comic styling that captures The Jokers unique flair. The vehicle is in The Jokers signature purple, green, and gold color scheme, adorned with stickers and elements that add to its flamboyant look.

The set includes 433 pieces and comes with three minifigures: The Joker, Harley Quinn, and Batgirl. Each minifigure is highly detailed, with specific outfits that reflect their movie appearances. Harley Quinn comes with her signature baseball bat, Batgirl has a yellow Batarang, and The Joker brings a gun accessory, enhancing playability and display potential.

The LEGO 70906 set is not just a collectors item for fans of the film but also offers an engaging building experience, thanks to its unique features and the detailed design of the lowrider. Its playful design, combined with the iconic characters, makes it a standout addition to any LEGO Batman collection.