The LEGO set 7049, titled “Alien Striker,” is part of the LEGO Space theme, specifically under the subtheme Alien Conquest, which was introduced in 2011. This small yet engaging set features an alien spacecraft designed with a unique, compact build that captures the imagination. The color scheme is a striking combination of lime green, dark grey, and transparent elements, embodying the alien aesthetic characteristic of the theme.
The Alien Striker set comes with two minifigures: an Alien Trooper and a human ADU (Alien Defense Unit) soldier, each equipped with their respective accessories and weapons, adding to the playability and story-building potential. The alien spacecraft, despite its small size, features movable parts, such as adjustable wings or appendages, allowing for dynamic play.
With 42 pieces, set 7049 is an easy build, suitable for children ages 6 to 14, and provides a fantastic entry-point or addition to the Alien Conquest collection. It was designed not just for play, but to spark interest in science fiction and space exploration themes, encouraging creativity and imagination in young LEGO fans.