The LEGO 7035 set, also known as “Police HQ,” is part of the LEGO World City theme, which was introduced in the early 2000s as a successor to the LEGO Town theme. This set was released in 2003 and is designed to depict a modern, bustling police headquarters, offering children an immersive play experience that stimulates their imagination and creativity through role-playing.
The Police HQ set features a two-story police station building equipped with all the essentials for running a police department. The ground floor typically includes a reception area, a jail cell for holding criminals, and various office elements. The second floor often has additional office space, equipped with desks, computers, and other accessories to simulate a real-life police station environment.
Additionally, the set comes with several minifigures, including police officers and criminals, along with police vehicles like cars and motorcycles, enhancing the playability. Various accessories such as handcuffs, walkie-talkies, and computer elements are also included, providing a detailed and engaging play experience.
LEGO 7035 Police HQ is popular among LEGO fans for its detailed design, play features, and real-world theme, making it a cherished set for both children and adult collectors who are enthusiasts of police and city-themed LEGO sets.