The LEGO 70115 set belongs to the LEGO Legends of Chima theme, which is centered around various tribes of anthropomorphized creatures battling for control of a powerful natural resource known as CHI. Released in 2013, Set 70115 is specifically named “Ultimate Speedor Tournament.”
This particular set is all about action and competition, featuring a tournament setting where characters can race their Speedorz through a series of challenges. The set includes 246 pieces and is designed for children ages 7-14 years. The primary components include two Speedorz (these are specialized, rip-cord powered vehicles), two minifigures from the Chima universe (Laval and Cragger), and an assortment of obstacles and targets to enhance the racing and battling gameplay. Accessories within the set, such as CHI, weapons, and a trophy, underscore the tournaments stakes.
The creative design allows for a variety of play scenarios, encouraging imagination and storytelling alongside the competitive gameplay. As with many LEGO themes, the Legends of Chima, including set 70115, not only offer entertainment but also opportunities for builders to engage in problem-solving and fine motor skill development.