The LEGO set 60355, also known as the “LEGO City Water Police Detective Missions,” is an interactive building set designed for children aged 6 and up. Launched as part of the LEGO City range, this set not only encourages creative construction but also integrates digital play through the LEGO City Missions app, where kids can solve exciting water-themed detective mysteries using the physical LEGO models they build.
With 278 pieces, the set features a versatile selection of elements, including a buildable police boat, a mini-submarine, and a dock scene, complete with a secret hideout function. It comes with four minifigures: two police officers and two crooks, each equipped with fun accessories to inspire imaginative play and storytelling. The interactive app provides a new layer of engagement, offering voice-led instructions and an immersive storyline that encourages problem-solving and role-play. The LEGO 60355 set combines traditional LEGO building fun with digital adventure, making it a novel experience for young LEGO fans intrigued by detective stories and police adventures.