The LEGO City Arctic Exploration Team set, designated as number 60191, is part of the LEGO City Arctic series, which was released in 2018. This engaging and imaginative set allows young builders to embark on thrilling arctic adventures. It features a compact but detailed arctic scene that includes an ice wall, which comes with a chunk of ice that can be “broken” open to reveal a frozen prehistoric creature inside.
Included in the set are three LEGO minifigures – an arctic explorer, an arctic photographer, and a driver – each equipped with their own accessories, such as a camera, snowshoes, and a walkie-talkie, to enhance play scenarios. The set also comes with a husky dog figure, adding an element of wildlife to the arctic exploration theme.
The centerpiece of the LEGO 60191 is a snowmobile, which is designed with a compact and sturdy build, suitable for traversing the icy terrain. This snowmobile adds a dynamic dimension to the play, enabling the characters to move around the arctic landscape efficiently.
With a total of 70 pieces, this set is aimed at children aged 5 to 12 years, offering them an accessible and enjoyable building experience while sparking imaginative play through its exploration theme. The LEGO City Arctic Exploration Team set 60191 is not only a fun build but also a fantastic addition to any LEGO City Arctic collection, fostering creativity and interest in science and exploration.