The LEGO 5001634 set, known as the “LEGO Brand Retail Store,” is a promotional exclusive set that was released in 2012. Designed as a miniature replica of a typical LEGO store, this charming set features iconic elements associated with LEGO retail outlets. The model includes a storefront with large windows, a LEGO sign, a cash register, shelves filled with various LEGO boxes, and a small build that resembles the Pick & Build Wall found in actual LEGO stores. It also comes with two minifigures: a store employee clad in the classic LEGO store uniform and a customer ready for some LEGO shopping. With its detailed design and authentic representation, the LEGO Brand Retail Store set offers a delightful build for collectors and fans of the LEGO brand, encapsulating the experience of visiting a LEGO store in a compact, display-worthy format.