LEGO Spider-Man: Spider-Man’s First Chase (2003)

The LEGO 4850 set, titled “Spider-Mans First Chase,” is a captivating playset released as part of LEGOs Spider-Man theme in 2003. This set brings to life an exciting scene featuring some of the most iconic characters from the Spider-Man universe. It includes 188 pieces that allow fans to build a detailed street scene complete with a bank, getaway car, and Spider-Mans motorcycle.

The core appeal of the set lies in its minifigures, which include Spider-Man, Peter Parker, and the infamous villain, the Green Goblin. These figures enable fans to reenact the gripping chase sequences from the Spider-Man comics and movies. Unique accessories like the Green Goblins glider and various money elements for the bank heist scene add depth to the play experience.

Designed for children aged 7 to 12 but beloved by LEGO collectors of all ages, the 4850 set is a vibrant celebration of Spider-Mans early adventures. Its interactive elements and engaging storyline make it a cherished collectible for both LEGO and Marvel enthusiasts.