The LEGO set 4704, known as “The Room of the Winged Keys” or “The Key Room,” is part of the LEGO Harry Potter series, specifically tied to the first book and movie, “Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone” (or “Sorcerers Stone” in the U.S.). Released in 2001, this set recreates the iconic scene where Harry, Ron, and Hermione must catch the flying key to advance in their quest to keep the Philosophers Stone away from Lord Voldemort.
The set comprises 175 pieces and includes minifigures of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, offering fans a tangible way to relive their favorite moments from the story. Additionally, it features various keys with wings, mirroring the enchantment seen in the film and book, and the door they must unlock. Despite being one of the smaller sets in the Harry Potter series, 4704 is celebrated for its playability and the pivotal scene it encapsulates, making it a cherished collectible among fans. This set is admired for its attention to detail and the ability to inspire creative play, embodying the magical world of Harry Potter in LEGO form.