LEGO Primo: Play a Story (2000)

The LEGO 2522 set, also known as “Rebel Roadster,” belongs to the LEGO Town theme, specifically under the subtheme “Race,” which was released in 1991. This compact set is designed to evoke the thrill of high-speed car racing with its sleek, open-top roadster design, making it a cherished item among LEGO enthusiasts and collectors. Comprising 25 pieces, it features a vibrant red roadster with racing decals, a small spoiler at the back, and comes with a single minifigure – a race car driver equipped with a racing helmet. The set offers straightforward construction, making it suitable for younger LEGO fans, yet its nostalgic value and classic design appeal to adult collectors as well. As a product from the early 90s, the LEGO 2522 set represents a slice of LEGO history, capturing the spirit of racing adventure in a simpler form, compared to the more complex and detailed LEGO sets available today.