The LEGO set 2111, also known as “Kai,” is part of the LEGO Ninjago series, which was first introduced in 2011. This specific set focuses on the character Kai, one of the original four ninja heroes in the Ninjago storyline. Kai is characterized by his red ninja attire and specializes in the element of fire. The set includes a small, stylized build representing Kai equipped with his signature weapon, a sword. Designed for quick assembly, it aims to provide an easy and accessible way for fans to add to their Ninjago collection. With its compact size, it is especially appealing to those looking for a small display piece or a pocket-sized toy that embodies the fiery spirit of Kai. This set appeals to both young fans of the animated series and collectors of the Ninjago theme, offering a slice of the larger Ninjago world in a compact, collectible form.