The LEGO set 20211, more commonly known as the “Inventors Lab,” belongs to the LEGO Master Builder Academy (MBA) series, which was launched in 2011. This particular set is the first kit in the series, aiming to guide LEGO enthusiasts through advanced building techniques not typically covered in standard sets. Through building the Inventors Lab, users learn about gears, levers, and other mechanical principles that form the basis of more complex constructions.
The set is specifically designed to encourage creativity and innovation, offering not just a single model to build, but also encouraging builders to modify and create their own unique inventions using the parts and principles illustrated. It comes with an exclusive minifigure, a handbook full of tips, tricks, and building instructions, and a unique access code for additional online content to further enrich the building experience. The Inventors Lab set is ideal for young inventors and LEGO fans looking to challenge themselves and expand their building skills beyond the basics.